


在美高梅登录中心, the 法律系的研究 pathway provides personalized guidance and resources for students who are interested in attending law school after earning their undergraduate degree. 与 美国律师协会 (ABA), we recognize that successful legal professionals come from diverse backgrounds and a variety of perspectives. 因为这个原因, “the ABA does not recommend any undergraduate majors or group of courses to prepare for a legal education” and 宾夕法尼亚美高梅登录中心 provides Pre-Law Advising to students from any academic major. 

在约克大学法律预科咨询委员会和职业发展中心的支持下, YCP的毕业生已经被全国50多所法学院录取. 我们的教师包括经验丰富的专业人士,他们接受过法律培训并获得法律许可. 当你选择课程时,他们会在你身边指导你, 考试准备, 研究法学院, 提交你的法学院申请. 

一名穿着西装外套的学生坐在书桌前学习,周围是书和笔记本电脑. 在模糊的前景中可以看到正义天平的边缘.


  • 主要课程


    While the 美国律师协会 does not endorse any specific undergraduate major or curriculum for a pre-law degree, law schools expect successful applicants to display a high level of proficiency in core skills like 沟通, 解决问题, 批判性思维,和研究. 当你获得学士学位的时候, you’ll want to take courses that help you to develop these skills — and build a transcript that showcases your experience in those areas.

    当你和你的法律预科顾问一起为你的本科课程制定计划时, 你将学习的一些课程可能包括:

    • PHL 222:批判性思维
    • 商业法律环境
    • WRT 305:修辞理论
    • c327:说服
    • PS 327:环境法
    • PS 317:法律原则
    • CCJ 336:司法程序
    • PS 357:卫生法律和政策
    • PS 371/HIS 371:美国宪政I:政府结构
    • PS 372/HIS 372:美国宪政II:公民权利和自由
    • 管理420:就业法
    • SPM 425:体育的法律方面


    法律辅修 是为有兴趣了解法律在社会中的作用的学生设计的吗. 这个辅修课程为那些准备从事法律职业的人提供了坚实的基础, and is an excellent option for students who wish to continue their graduate education in law school or a related field.

    完成法律研究辅修课程的要求, 你必须修18学分, 包括一门核心课程(ps317:法律原理)及五门选修课程. 完整的需求列表可在您的 学术目录


    对法律预科学习感兴趣的学生应将他们的信息提交给 法律预科兴趣小组. This group ensures that students with a Pre-Law focus receive important updates about workshops, 事件, 服务, 以及可以帮助你申请法学院的资源.


  • 职业发展机会 & 好处


    法律预科课程为你进入法学院并最终成为一名律师做准备. 然而, a number of alternate career paths are also available to those with a background in law. 了解法律制度和政策, 能够阅读和批判性地考虑合同和其他文件, and knowing how to advocate for yourself or your client — these are all valuable skills in a wide variety of industries. 

    学生 who pursue a pre-law program may further tailor their education through their declared major or minor, 选修课程, 或者在获得本科学位后继续攻读法律研究生学位. 你可以考虑以下职业: 

    • 律师
    • 律师助理
    • 环境提倡
    • 健康倡导者
    • 多样性专家
    • 人力资源经理
    • 政策分析
    • 公共管理器
    • 县/学校的律师
    • 公共事务主任
    • 公务员
    • 教育家


    的 law school application process requires intentional planning — from skill-building throughout your first two years of undergraduate study, 研究生院的研究, 参加法学院入学考试, 写简历, 以及在大三和大四期间提交申请. 作为美高梅登录中心法律预科指导课程的参与者, 你的每一步都会得到帮助. 

    法律预科课程可以整合到你选择的专业中, with guidance from faculty advisors who have years of experience navigating law school academic requirements. 

    自2017年以来,美高梅登录中心的校友已被50多所法学院录取. 而拥有各种本科专业的学生可能会被法学院录取, YCP的法律预科学生最常见的专业包括:


  • 实习 & 工作经验


    While an internship is not required, many law schools value previous work experience in the field. 实习 also allow you to gain firsthand knowledge of the legal profession and help to establish a professional network that can benefit you throughout your career. 学生 in the 法律系的研究 program may have the opportunity to intern with local law firms in York and neighboring areas, 取决于职位空缺和雇主要求的资格. 

    的 职业发展中心 at York College helps Pre-Law students to prepare application materials for both law school applications and potential jobs or internships. 我们的职业发展专家可以帮助您: 


  • 指导 & 社区


    教师 on the Pre-Law Advisory Committee get to know their students one-on-one and take an active interest in helping you reach your goals. 还有职业发展中心的专业人士, 他们会让你随时了解即将到来的法学院截止日期和活动, 共享宝贵资源, 为LSAT准备提供建议, and counsel you on course registration to ensure a class schedule that positions you for success.


    的 Pre-Law Society is a student-run organization dedicated to creating a support system among students who are interested in a career in law. 的 organization is open to all majors and provides a link between law school hopefuls and the advisors who can assist them in achieving their professional goals. 

    博士联系. Kwasi Sarfo获取更多关于法律预科社团的信息

  • 熟练技能


    法律预科课程的重点是让学生不仅为法学院做好准备, 但是对于法律职业来说. Whether you want to become an attorney or plan to pursue a different career within the legal field, 一套基本技能可以让你在你的职位上取得成功. Your Pre-Law advisors will support you along an educational pathway that helps you develop skills like: 

    • 批判性阅读和分析
    • 解决问题
    • 写作
    • 沟通
    • 研究和信息素养
    • 协作
    • 熟悉法律框架和法律


    的 法律辅修 is an ideal complement to most academic majors for students who are exploring legal careers and applying to law school. 然而, it is not a requirement for 法律系的研究 and students may wish to pursue other minor programs. 未成年人可能包括:


  • 法律预科和法律预科有什么区别?

    而有些学校会提供专门的法律预科学士学位, 对于那些对法律职业感兴趣的人来说,更常见的途径是什么 由美国律师协会推荐 (ABA) -包括获得几乎任何学科的本科学位. 的 ABA encourages prospective law school students to “pursue an area of study that interests and challenges you, 同时利用机会发展你的研究和写作技能.”

    美高梅登录中心的法律预科课程不是专业, but rather a dedicated advising track that supports students of any major as they prepare for law school. A team of law school-savvy advisors is available to assist with course selections that will help build a desirable skill set for future legal professionals, 以及为法学院入学考试和法学院申请做准备. 法律系的研究 offers a pathway through which students graduate with a comprehensive bachelor’s degree in their field of choice, while ensuring they have all the resources they need to succeed in the next phase of their legal education.

  • 在申请法学院之前,本科最好的专业是什么?

    没有哪一个专业能让你为法学院做好最好的准备, 或者是法学院招生团队喜欢的. 你有很多选择,可以根据你的个人兴趣和目标来调整你的教育. 也就是说, you’ll want to ensure that your coursework helps you to strengthen core skills required in the legal field, 比如写作, 研究, 沟通, 批判性思维. 美高梅登录中心法律预科学生最常见的专业包括:

    许多法律预科的学生也选择在专业之外再修一门课程 辅修法律研究该课程专门为法学院申请者提供技能训练.

  • 什么是法学院入学考试?

    的 LSAT is a half-day standardized test administered four times each year at designated testing sites in the United States and around the world. All law schools approved by the 美国律师协会 require applicants to take the LSAT as part of their admission process. 测试包括五个35分钟的选择题部分, 还有一个35分钟的写作样本. 写作样本不计分, 但是写作样本的副本会被发送给学生申请的所有法学院. LSAT考试考察三大技能:

    • 阅读理解
    • 分析推理
    • 逻辑推理


  • YCP的哪些教员提供法律预科指导?

    York College’s Pre-Law Advisory Committee includes faculty members who understand the expectations of law school admissions staff and the requirements of a career in law. 委员会包括: 

电话: 717.600.3869

Deb Staley,行政助理
电话: 717.815.1349