Trees bloom on the campus quad, casting dappled light on the sidewalks shortly after sunrise.



在宾夕法尼亚的美高梅登录中心, we believe that a life of passion and purpose is built by learning and experiencing every day. 我们的教育方法是实践性和经验性的, focusing on real-world experiences that allow students to apply their learning beyond the classroom walls; and taught by faculty who bring firsthand experience and empowering support into the classroom.

 We pride ourselves on our long-standing commitment to making a quality education affordable and accessible. 拥有最先进的设施, 70 +专业, 丰富的实习和高影响力的学习机会, 和一个活跃的, 同辈互助社区, YCP students have all the tools they need to build successful and fulfilling careers from day one.

从第一天起, 学生们对我们提供的一切都很兴奋, 从上课的第一天开始, to the relationships and connections they’ll make that help prepare them for their dream career. 来参观我们,以不同的方式看待你的教育.


你是什么样的学生啊? 选择下面的选项开始你的约克之旅!
  • 一年级学生


    Learning happens when you start to make your way in the world, and it happens quick. It starts when you have the chance each and every day to put your ideas into action. 那就是你想象中的生活开始变得真实的时候. 这是关于不等待. 这是关于做. 在这里. 现在. 每时每刻.

    约克的Spartan应用程序是免费的,测试是可选的. 有关具体的入学指南,请参阅 访问我们的第一年招生指南页面.

    To apply, you’ll be asked to create an account for your personal application portal. First-year students have the option of applying to York as either a Regular Decision or Early Decision Applicant. Regular Decision Applications are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year. The Early Decision application deadline for the Fall semester is December 1, 提前决定存款截止日期是1月15日.

  • 转学和军校学生


    Transferring to York means having the chance to put your ideas into action. It means making the most of what you’ve already learned and achieved. 它是关于不要等待你想要的生活-带着你的原因. 我们来告诉你怎么做.


    • 入学申请书.
    • An 官方成绩单 以前就读过的所有学院或大学.
      • 如果你完成的学分少于15个, please submit your official high school transcript or GED certificate and official test scores (SAT or ACT), 如果可用.
      • 如果你曾经或正在服兵役, 请提交您的正式联合服务成绩单(JST).
    • 提交你的FAFSA
      • 约克的FAFSA代码:003399
  • 研究生


    Career growth and a graduate-level education often go hand-in-hand — and at York College, we believe in making it simple for you to reach your professional goals.

  • 速成班学生


    York College’s accelerated BSN program builds on the success of the institution’s 传统BSN程序, providing a rigorous curriculum and the hands-on clinical experiences necessary for success in this high-demand field.

    Our faculty ensure the nursing curriculum reflects the most current practices. 大约17个月, students will complete the foundational aspects of the profession and learn specialized skills. 每门课程都包含模拟体验.

  • 双招生学生


    The 美高梅登录中心双招生计划 partners with area school districts to offer high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to earn college credit while completing their high school requirements. The program is designed to encourage a broader range of students to experience postsecondary education by allowing the student to concurrently enroll in college courses and to receive both secondary and postsecondary credit for the coursework at a reduced cost to the student.

  • 非学位学生


    York College offers the opportunity for students to take college courses without working toward a degree. 作为一名非学位学生, 你可以根据自己的兴趣参加课程, to fulfill prerequisite courses necessary for another certification or program, or to gain a specific skill in a field without completing the full degree program. 

    For information about available classes and the application process 请联系苏安·罗宾斯, 研究生和转学招生主任, at 717.815.2257 or

  • 重新接纳学生


    你是在美高梅登录中心开始你的教育的吗? 你准备好完成你的学位了吗?

    重新接纳学生s are those who: are full-time and miss a second consecutive semester at York; have officially withdrawn through the Dean of 学生发展与校园生活 Office; or have officially withdrawn through the 注册商’s Office.

    重新申请不收费. 你的申请将由招生办公室审核. 如果你对重新进入美高梅登录中心有疑问, 请联系苏安·罗宾斯, 研究生和转学招生主任, at 717.815.2257 or

尖端 美高梅登录中心

从第一天起, most of your classes are small and all of your teachers are passionate subject matter experts. What's more they are laser focused on your academic and personal success.


来看看哪个咨询师符合你的家庭区域! You can find contact information (including a number to text a counselor!), and match a face to a name next time we're in your neck of the woods. 不要犹豫,美高梅登录中心吧. 毕竟,这就是我们所做的.
电话: 717.849.1600
星期一至星期五:上午八点半.m. - 5 p.m.


看看我们即将推出的 访问 机会!