
LiveSafe - Connect with York College 校园安全

York College is providing all students, 教师, 和 staff with the LiveSafe app - a safety tool that provides a 快速, 方便, 谨慎的 way to communicate with York College 校园安全. 

请下载LiveSafe 免费的 from the Apple App Store or Google Play to enhance your overall safety 和 allow York College 校园安全 to better protect you.


  • 分享信息: Easily share safety information 和 concerns directly to York College 校园安全 using text, picture, 和视频
  • 保持更新: Receive important alerts 和 notifications from York College 校园安全, 和 access important phone numbers 和 safety resources
  • 请求护送: Request an in-person escort from York College 校园安全 to safely get you where you need to go
  • 分享你的位置: 分享你的位置 with safety officials in an emergency, 或者和朋友一起使用位置追踪功能, 家庭, 以及同事们的日常安全


  1. 下载 “LiveSafe”; Be sure to enable location services 和 push notifications when prompted!
    1. Sign up using your mobile phone number.
    2. Create a password 和 fill in your name.
    3. Add your email address to your profile (Left Menu > Settings > Profile).
Stay Connected to York College 校园安全 with New Safety App, LiveSafe